Bunions and the Difficulty in Finding Shoes

Bunions, also known as hallux valgus, are bony deformities in the joint of the big toe, which can cause intense pain, discomfort, and difficulties in finding suitable footwear.

Tight and poorly fitted shoes exacerbate the deformity, leading to inflammation, calluses, and even circulatory problems. One of the best solutions for this issue is made-to-measure footwear, and at 3D Fit Shoes, you can find different models of personalized shoes for your feet.


Bunions are a very common problem in adults’ feet – they usually appear after the age of twenty and mainly affect women, potentially affecting both feet or just one. The deformity occurs in the first toe, where it deviates outward, forming a painful bump, primarily due to friction with shoes.

Some causes of the condition may include:

Genetics: there are cases where a child is born with the condition;

– Heredity: more than 50% of people with bunions have family members with the problem;

– Rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus;

– Foot abnormalities: weak ligaments and tendons, longer big toe;

– Tight shoes: press the sides of the foot and worsen the symptoms.

It is important to note that there are different stages of this condition, observing signs and symptoms that the disease may cause:



Initial Stage:

– Mild pain when walking or wearing tight shoes.

– Minimal bony bump and slight swelling.



Intermediate Stage:

– More intense pain, evident bony bump, and swelling with redness.

– Limited movement of the big toe.




Advanced Stage:

– Intense and persistent pain, prominent bony bump, and chronic swelling.

– Bursitis (fluid sac), altered gait, and deformities in adjacent toes.

The treatment will vary for each case. Conventional treatment relieves symptoms and prevents the deviation from worsening. The first measure is to switch from tight and hard shoes to custom-made shoes.


3D Fit Shoes individually manufactures various models of made-to-measure footwear with 3D printers that use advanced technology to transform collected data into precisely tailored shoes. The result is a pair of shoes that not only fit perfectly but also specifically address the unique needs of the feet.


Made-to-measure shoes are designed for people who have difficulty finding comfortable and ideal footwear for their feet. 3D Fit Shoes bring style and quality of life to these people, who previously would not have access to such comfort.


Investing in made-to-measure shoes from 3D Fit Shoes is investing in quality of life!

Attention: the information and suggestions contained on this website, related to the health of the feet, ankles and knees, are for informational purposes only and do not replace medical advice. Be sure to consult a healthcare professional.

Contact us: contact@3dfit.shoes

Attention: the information and suggestions contained on this website, related to the health of the feet, ankles and knees, are for informational purposes only and do not replace medical advice. Be sure to consult a healthcare professional.

Attention: the information and suggestions contained on this website, related to the health of the feet, ankles and knees, are for informational purposes only and do not replace medical advice. Be sure to consult a healthcare professional.

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